I'm currently taking Advertising 101, and our final assignment will be on guerrilla marketing.
Basically, it is an alternative advertising strategy focusing on low-cost, high-yield, unconventional advertising tactics, often very imaginative/creative with the element of surprise. The idea is to make a lasting impression and create great amounts of social buzz about whatever is being advertised.
Here are three good examples.
The first one is for the HBO series TrueBlood. Very witty and creative. I don't know where this is located, but it's pretty funny and memorable!
The next one is an advertisement for a rock radio station. It catches your attention, definitely! Silly, creative, humorous, memorable.
Finally, and my favorite of the three, is the bench made to look like a partially unwrapped Kit Kat bar. The bench DOES look like a Kit Kat bar! Someone probably noticed that and came up with this idea. Or, the bench was constructed to look like one intentionally. In any case, it's bold, memorable, funny, unexpected.
After looking into guerrilla marketing a little bit, I think I'll enjoy the assignment for my advertising class. However, I have to actually come up with five different tactics for a store, which won't be easy!
I think guerrilla marketing may be a form of advertising I sort of like (I don't tend to like most advertisements in general). I like the ingenuity that's necessary to design them.
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