I was talking with a massage therapy client whose late husband was in the advertising business. She told me that he always preferred serif fonts for things like paragraphs (a lot of text to read) and sans-serif fonts for headlines and titles, that type of thing. I started looking at the posters and charts in my treatment room. I have never liked the title of the muscular system poster. It's bulky, hard to read. The letters are too thick and the serifs are as well. The trigger points-upper torso poster uses sans-serif letters in the title, which is much nicer to look at and easier to read, although I noticed that the letters seem to be spaced too closely together. The third poster which has white lettering on a red background in the title uses a sans-serif font, but it's not all that easy to read, and I think it's because the letters are blocky (the O and D are square), and perhaps because of the white on red. I'm not sure.
The main point is that yes, text does matter. And PS - the smaller text in these posters are serif fonts for the most part.